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Hello, I am Siyu Sun.

I am currently pursuing a master's degree in Computer Science at Northeastern University.

Courses List

ICS31 I learn Python in ICS31 class and I also later become learning assistant of ICS31.
ICS32 Using library modules for applications such as graphics, sound, GUI, database, Web, and network programming.
ICS33 Intermediate Programming
COMPSCI 122A Data Management
COMPSCI 161 Data Structures
IN4MATIX 131 Human Computer Interaction
ICS 6B Boolean Algebra & Logic
ICS 6D Discrete math in computer science
Math10 Python libraries such as numpy, pandas, and sklearn
Stats 67 Introduction to the basic concepts of probability and statistics with discussion of applications to computer science
Math 3A Linear Algebra
Math 105A Numerical Analysis
Math 130A Probability

Relevant Experience

Programming Language: JavaScript | Framework: React.js and Node.js | Database: MySQL | Database ORM: Prisma
Developed back-end APIs for creating transactions, updating transaction information such as status and shipping address,
invalidating transactions and retrieving transactions and enabled Paypal as a payment method.
The progress of the whole project went 30% quicker than expected progress.

Created an interactive JavaScript animation in Vue.js framework to illustrate the varying positions
of the Symmedian Point across different triangles types.
About 90% of my colleagues in Professor Lu's Geometry Discovery Project Team
report that interacting with the animation enhances their understanding of the Symmedian Point's position within a triangle.

Course: Introduction of Python Programming (ICS31)
Responsibilities: help with students’ discussion in their group formative assessment and commented on their submitted work, hold support hours each week to help students with their course materials such as but not limited to content learning, lab and project help, and general questions regarding to the course.

Responsibilities: plan activities for assigned middle-school students in the Santa Ana Unified School District and devote several hours per week to work with those students to develop logical thinking and calculation abilities.


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Contact Information


Phone: 949-572-3106